Friday, 30 October 2009
Greetings on All Hallows Eve.....
Posted by wackywitchinpurple at 18:23 0 comments
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Midsummer Wishes and Happy Fairy Day
A fairy ring is seen where there is a circle of dark green grass. It is said that these circles appear wherever fairies have been dancing. If you come across a fairy ring on the night of the full moon then dance around it nine times and you may hear fairies laughing and talking. But take heed, you must remember to run clockwise or the little folk will have you in their power.....

Tales of Midsummer have been told over the centuries. None so famous however than the play A Midsummer Summer Night’s Dream penned by William Shakespeare, a magical tale about Titania queen of the fairies and her consort Oberon......
And there the snake throws her enamell’d skin
Weed wide enough to wrap a fairy in

~ William Blake ~
And let us not forget Puck. Known as Robin Goodfellow in 16th century England, Puck was supposedly the son of Oberon and a country woman. His father did grant Puck special powers but said that he could only use them to help honest people. Not always keeping to this resulted in Puck playing mischievous tricks.......
I like to believe that fairies are always there, just not seen......until next time, take
Posted by wackywitchinpurple at 15:42 0 comments
Friday, 10 April 2009
Happy Easter From The Easter Bunny.......

I wonder if the Easter Bunny will be hopping about the Towans on the night before Easter, carrying a basket filled with colourful eggs, toys and candy for children to find when they wake in the morning. Along with Father Christmas and the Tooth Fairy to name but a few, the Easter Bunny is part of the magic of childhood......

The tale of the Easter Bunny travelled to America with German settlers in the 1700’s, where it was passed on and is now known world-wide. However, in Northwest European folklore the "Easter Bunny" is in fact a hare, not a rabbit.... According to the tradition, children would build brightly colored nests, often out of caps and bonnets, and hide them in secluded areas of their homes. Children would wait in anticipation the night before Easter morning before discovering what treats had been left in their nests. Very similar to Christmas Eve, many a disturbed sleep must have been had by both parents and child........

Another tradition associated with Easter is the good old Easter Egg Hunt when decorated eggs, either real hard-boiled ones or artificial, or made of chocolate, of various sizes, are hidden in various places for children to find. Traditionally the eggs were seen as a symbol of the rebirth of the earth in Pagan celebrations. I remember my friends and I organizing egg hunts for our children and still finding some weeks later. I may just start it again when my grandchildren are a little

(Photo curtsy of Wikipedia)

Posted by wackywitchinpurple at 21:11 0 comments
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Happy Mothering Sunday.....
'Kitchen Rules'
I also received a gift inscribed with the words:
Kitchen Rules
1. If you eat out of it, wash it
2. If you use it, put it away
3. If you turn it on, turn it off
4. If you spill it, wipe it
5. If you break it, repair it
6. If it’s a mess, tidy it
It is an unusual gift for my son to buy me, I usually receive a book or cd or a cuddly toy (sounds like a game show....hehe...) so I think my daughter-in-law may have helped choose this gift. Being a mother herself she will understand and it may have been a subtle hint to my son!!.....

'The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.'
~ Honoré de Balzac ~

'A mother's happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories.'
~ Honoré de Balzac ~
Posted by wackywitchinpurple at 14:39 0 comments
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day and the 'Gift of the Blarney'......
Leprechauns peeking,
Around a willow tree,
Pussy willows waking,
Longing to be free.
Colleens and shamrocks
And castles old and gray,
Put them all together
To make St. Patrick's Day.
Blarney Castle
(Photograph by Urban Hafner)
The origins of the stone is shrouded in mystery but legend states that it was a magical stone from the beginning....There are many explanations for the Stone’s origins, many of a biblical nature. It is also said that the stone was possibly removed from Ireland and taken to Scotland and then returned to Ireland in 1314. The theory behind this statement is that the stone was originally half of the Stone of Scone and was presented to Cormac McCarthy by Robert the Bruce in recognition of his support in the Battle of Bannockburn. McCarthy then installed the stone at Blarney Castle, where it became known as the Blarney Stone.
However, others say that it was the Lia Fáil—a magical stone upon which Irish kings were crowned....Regardless of the whys and what for’s, there is no disguising the fact that the Blarney Stone has a magical air about it.....
'Tis there's the stone that whoever kisses
He never misses to grow eloquent;
'Tis he may clamber to a lady's chamber,
Or become a member of Parliament.
"A noble spouter he'll sure turn out, or
An out and outer to be let alone;
Don't try to hinder him, or to bewilder him,
For he is a pilgrim from the Blarney stone."
The custom of ‘Kissing the Blarney Stone’ is known throughout the world, a stone on a castle’s parapet not that dissimilar to other stones in the area. A stone that is said ‘to endow whoever kisses it with the eternal gift of eloquence (in Irish 'solabharthact') - the 'Gift of the Gab'’. Many of us have never seen the Stone and most likely never will, yet we use this expression in our everyday lives and believe in its magic. That can’t be a bad thing in this day and age.......Hope you enjoyed the day. Until next

Posted by wackywitchinpurple at 13:05 0 comments
Thursday, 26 February 2009
My Grandson Arrives Early and How Precious is He.....
Wonder of all wonderment!
Posted by wackywitchinpurple at 17:46 0 comments
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Happy Valentine's Day.....

Talking of secret Valentines, some years ago a friend of mine received an unsigned card. We had an idea who it may be from so we decided to return the favour. I penned the following verse. I am no poet and it was just for fun. We never knew if he received the card or in fact if this specific person had sent my friend the card but it was fun anyway.......
I had a Card by Post Today
From Who it was It Didn’t Say
The Words Inside Seemed Warm and True
And so I Thought, it Must be You.
To Find Different Letters, It wasn’t Fair
I Guessed, I pondered, Who Could it Be
Who Would Write Words of Love to Me.
To See the Kisses that I Could Claim
And so if You’re not the Sender True
~ Chrissy February 14 1990 ~
Posted by wackywitchinpurple at 14:53 0 comments